Oct 19, 09:44 AM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)
Gartner has released preliminary market share (http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=497290) numbers for 3Q 2006 (calendar, Apple's financial 4Q) which show Apple seeing substantial industry growth at 1.5%. Apple now ships 6.1% of all U.S. "PCs", 4th in the industry behind Gateway (6.4%), HP (23%), and Dell (32.1%). Apple did not place in the top-5 in worldwide PC shipments, so that data was not available.
Gartner notes that the overall U.S. PC market actually experienced a 2% decline year-over-year, so that coupled with Apple's announcment of a 30% growth in Mac shipments last quarter (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/10/20061018172455.shtml) helps explain the dramatic growth.
"Two factors that contributed to the poor performance in the U.S. market were continued weakness in the professional desk-based market, and the carry-over effect from strong sales in the second quarter. Strong sales to the home market, fueled by solid back to school sales and mobile PCs could not offset the decline in other areas." -- Mikako Kitagawa, principal analyst for Gartner Dataquest’s Client Computing Markets Group.
Apple indicated yesterday that while reaction to the Mac Pro has been positive, the professional community may be holding off until an Intel-native Creative Suite ships (expected spring 2007 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060918153507.shtml)). On the flip side, a recent article in a Princeton University newspaper (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/10/20061014120137.shtml) indicates that Apple is indeed doing very well in the growing education market.
Recent research (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/10/20061017115015.shtml) has indicated that Apple is poised to grab even more "switchers" this holiday season, which promises to translate into even more market share.
Of interest, Dell has consistently been losing market share to rival HP in both U.S. and Worldwide markets, and HP took the #1 spot on the Worldwide market with 16.3% compared to Dell's 16.1%.
Gartner has released preliminary market share (http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=497290) numbers for 3Q 2006 (calendar, Apple's financial 4Q) which show Apple seeing substantial industry growth at 1.5%. Apple now ships 6.1% of all U.S. "PCs", 4th in the industry behind Gateway (6.4%), HP (23%), and Dell (32.1%). Apple did not place in the top-5 in worldwide PC shipments, so that data was not available.
Gartner notes that the overall U.S. PC market actually experienced a 2% decline year-over-year, so that coupled with Apple's announcment of a 30% growth in Mac shipments last quarter (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/10/20061018172455.shtml) helps explain the dramatic growth.
"Two factors that contributed to the poor performance in the U.S. market were continued weakness in the professional desk-based market, and the carry-over effect from strong sales in the second quarter. Strong sales to the home market, fueled by solid back to school sales and mobile PCs could not offset the decline in other areas." -- Mikako Kitagawa, principal analyst for Gartner Dataquest’s Client Computing Markets Group.
Apple indicated yesterday that while reaction to the Mac Pro has been positive, the professional community may be holding off until an Intel-native Creative Suite ships (expected spring 2007 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060918153507.shtml)). On the flip side, a recent article in a Princeton University newspaper (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/10/20061014120137.shtml) indicates that Apple is indeed doing very well in the growing education market.
Recent research (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/10/20061017115015.shtml) has indicated that Apple is poised to grab even more "switchers" this holiday season, which promises to translate into even more market share.
Of interest, Dell has consistently been losing market share to rival HP in both U.S. and Worldwide markets, and HP took the #1 spot on the Worldwide market with 16.3% compared to Dell's 16.1%.

Sep 8, 12:13 PM
oh no please not a US version of Xavier Naidoo, a german ultra-whiny-sounding guy rapping about god etc. deserving to be made a head shorter... seriously ... he sounds so whiny you want to kill him just to make him stop
that aside everybody knows that Jesus is ***** Metal ;) (http://www.thinkgeek.com/pennyarcade/swag/6fc1/)
that aside everybody knows that Jesus is ***** Metal ;) (http://www.thinkgeek.com/pennyarcade/swag/6fc1/)

Oct 17, 12:27 PM
That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think...More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.
We have 5.4 TB of available external file storage in SATA enclosures, but a lot of it is duplicate data from past jobs because we're afraid of disk failure. The enclosures are NOT small and they are not cheap to build -- even with the dropping price of >= 500GB HDDs.
We're dying for and end to this format battle because we'd like to start storing past photographic assignments/jobs on one disc -- two, actually; one backup to be taken offsite and the other to go in a file cabinet -- and not have to trust a massive file server with moving parts.
Given the eventuality of a HDD failure, tape cartridge read error, and degrading discs, I've been banging my head against a wall trying to figure out the best long-term data storage compromise between reliability, price, and size. :confused:
Being able to store 30GB of RAW NEFs on one disc would be incredible. That would knock out an entire job in one disc. As camera sensors get even better, I can only imagine how much our storage needs are going to increase...
I don't even want to guess how the people shooting with 22MP Leaf backs are storing their images...
We have 5.4 TB of available external file storage in SATA enclosures, but a lot of it is duplicate data from past jobs because we're afraid of disk failure. The enclosures are NOT small and they are not cheap to build -- even with the dropping price of >= 500GB HDDs.
We're dying for and end to this format battle because we'd like to start storing past photographic assignments/jobs on one disc -- two, actually; one backup to be taken offsite and the other to go in a file cabinet -- and not have to trust a massive file server with moving parts.
Given the eventuality of a HDD failure, tape cartridge read error, and degrading discs, I've been banging my head against a wall trying to figure out the best long-term data storage compromise between reliability, price, and size. :confused:
Being able to store 30GB of RAW NEFs on one disc would be incredible. That would knock out an entire job in one disc. As camera sensors get even better, I can only imagine how much our storage needs are going to increase...
I don't even want to guess how the people shooting with 22MP Leaf backs are storing their images...

Apr 27, 12:40 PM
Oh please. Explain to me why race is not a valid comparison?
Also, feel free to read a few more of the defining characteristics of a mammalian "female"...
"The mammalian female is characterized by having two copies of the X chromosome as opposed to the male which carries only one X and one smaller Y chromosome."
I have no problem with transgendered/sexual/vestite/whatever, but to claim you are actually a "woman" when you were born with a penis, have two X chromosomes, and can not, nor could ever produce an ova is ridiculous.
Just as ridiculous as my original example which you decided to brush away with no basis other than it does not fit with your views.
You do realize that Mord is transgendered, right? Why not listen to someone who's actually been there for as change?
Also, feel free to read a few more of the defining characteristics of a mammalian "female"...
"The mammalian female is characterized by having two copies of the X chromosome as opposed to the male which carries only one X and one smaller Y chromosome."
I have no problem with transgendered/sexual/vestite/whatever, but to claim you are actually a "woman" when you were born with a penis, have two X chromosomes, and can not, nor could ever produce an ova is ridiculous.
Just as ridiculous as my original example which you decided to brush away with no basis other than it does not fit with your views.
You do realize that Mord is transgendered, right? Why not listen to someone who's actually been there for as change?

Nov 15, 07:04 PM
my personal gripes/opinions:
single player:
* so far graphically it's more on the miss side comapred to bad company 2
* game design: pop up enemies and respawns in plain sight: get a grip this is 2010 calling
*frustrating check points where you respawn directly with an enemy 1 step behind you
*i like the story etc. especially some of non fighting scenes .. of which there are simply too few so far... for my taste it's simply too much nonstop shooting and too little actually tense moments
*on the negative side i can only take so many "my character lies on the ground and get's kicked/punched in the face scenes"
*also i didn't get big point being made about <20thcenturyvilliancountry> secretly having developed <plotdeviceWMD> in <lastyearofwarXYZ> when in reality they had developed other <sametypeofWMDs> even before they started the war ? also why make up artificial <WMDs> when real ones could have been easily used ?
* lots of things to collect and customize .. which is great
* apart of that: average at best:
* many guns essentially worthless: shot guns having a range of 5 meters, machine guns being no more powerfull than assault rifles but way less accurate, and game being too fast paced for sniping rifles...
*knife connecting from ridiculous angles and distances: if _I_ can hit somebody else with a knife when he is standing next to me then there is something wrong
*lots of game modes of which perhaps only 1/3 is actually fun on the actual maps..which for some modes are way too small
*ridiculous bad net code : connection problems, host migrations (working in 1/4 of al lcases), random disconnects, lag, voice echoes and problems, and sound issues
single player:
* so far graphically it's more on the miss side comapred to bad company 2
* game design: pop up enemies and respawns in plain sight: get a grip this is 2010 calling
*frustrating check points where you respawn directly with an enemy 1 step behind you
*i like the story etc. especially some of non fighting scenes .. of which there are simply too few so far... for my taste it's simply too much nonstop shooting and too little actually tense moments
*on the negative side i can only take so many "my character lies on the ground and get's kicked/punched in the face scenes"
*also i didn't get big point being made about <20thcenturyvilliancountry> secretly having developed <plotdeviceWMD> in <lastyearofwarXYZ> when in reality they had developed other <sametypeofWMDs> even before they started the war ? also why make up artificial <WMDs> when real ones could have been easily used ?
* lots of things to collect and customize .. which is great
* apart of that: average at best:
* many guns essentially worthless: shot guns having a range of 5 meters, machine guns being no more powerfull than assault rifles but way less accurate, and game being too fast paced for sniping rifles...
*knife connecting from ridiculous angles and distances: if _I_ can hit somebody else with a knife when he is standing next to me then there is something wrong
*lots of game modes of which perhaps only 1/3 is actually fun on the actual maps..which for some modes are way too small
*ridiculous bad net code : connection problems, host migrations (working in 1/4 of al lcases), random disconnects, lag, voice echoes and problems, and sound issues

Anthony T
Apr 16, 10:10 AM
A quick read through this thread is proof of why I normally don't bother reading or posting here.
Almost everyone has posted that they feel the next iPhone could look something like this...
...which is completely ridiculous based on logic and common sense. But it has been my experience that Macrumors forums and "logic" and "common sense" cannot exist in the same place at the same time.
Memory also seems to be a problem around here. For example, Apple's breakthrough smartphone that changed phones for forever, was completely and totally redesigned after its first year, because the design was incredibly flawed.
To not understand the significance of this, is really to forfeit your opinion on what Apple will or will not do. You CANNOT logically state that Apple would return to an aluminum iPhone (no matter how sexy it might look), after having already moved away from it.
2 straight years, the iPhone 3G and 3GS have unibody plastic design. The SAME one. This is not a coincidence, or laziness, or any other 4th grade opinion....its what the iPhone is. It's not going to change.
The most Apple will do with the design, is make it a little taller to accommodate more pixels, but the design will remain. They may offer a few more colors, or they may not.
Plastic, Unibody iPhones are here to stay. To state otherwise, is to fantasize, and ignore reality. (which is fine, just acknowledge it please).
Ok, Mr. Intelligent. It's been 3 years since the original iPhone launched. Perhaps Apple found a way to make a phone out of aluminum or a similar material, without affecting performance? Also, the iPad is made out of aluminum, yet it uses 3G service. You're acting like you know for sure what will happen, and you don't. None of us do.
Almost everyone has posted that they feel the next iPhone could look something like this...
...which is completely ridiculous based on logic and common sense. But it has been my experience that Macrumors forums and "logic" and "common sense" cannot exist in the same place at the same time.
Memory also seems to be a problem around here. For example, Apple's breakthrough smartphone that changed phones for forever, was completely and totally redesigned after its first year, because the design was incredibly flawed.
To not understand the significance of this, is really to forfeit your opinion on what Apple will or will not do. You CANNOT logically state that Apple would return to an aluminum iPhone (no matter how sexy it might look), after having already moved away from it.
2 straight years, the iPhone 3G and 3GS have unibody plastic design. The SAME one. This is not a coincidence, or laziness, or any other 4th grade opinion....its what the iPhone is. It's not going to change.
The most Apple will do with the design, is make it a little taller to accommodate more pixels, but the design will remain. They may offer a few more colors, or they may not.
Plastic, Unibody iPhones are here to stay. To state otherwise, is to fantasize, and ignore reality. (which is fine, just acknowledge it please).
Ok, Mr. Intelligent. It's been 3 years since the original iPhone launched. Perhaps Apple found a way to make a phone out of aluminum or a similar material, without affecting performance? Also, the iPad is made out of aluminum, yet it uses 3G service. You're acting like you know for sure what will happen, and you don't. None of us do.

Jan 9, 12:03 PM
In terms of new stuff I think just the thin portable, as that's the only thing there's been any leaks/evidence for (the leaks usually have everything covered!)
Other than that, refreshes - in order of likelihood: MBP refresh with the new keyboard (even tho I think it'd look a bit odd if it's white), 16GB iPhone (not 3G yet), Glossy ACD option, Cheap ACD option (watch for the gradients and poor quality!), MacBook refresh, maybe some tweak to the ATV, maybe a non Glossy iMac option (just to wind up those who bought an iMac and dislike it!).
Things I don't expect them to update: the iMac (already done recently), the Mac Mini (ditto and they don't like updating it), or any of the iPods (also too soon) or the Mac Pro or XServe (that would be silly, and the place would get firebombed)
Other than that, refreshes - in order of likelihood: MBP refresh with the new keyboard (even tho I think it'd look a bit odd if it's white), 16GB iPhone (not 3G yet), Glossy ACD option, Cheap ACD option (watch for the gradients and poor quality!), MacBook refresh, maybe some tweak to the ATV, maybe a non Glossy iMac option (just to wind up those who bought an iMac and dislike it!).
Things I don't expect them to update: the iMac (already done recently), the Mac Mini (ditto and they don't like updating it), or any of the iPods (also too soon) or the Mac Pro or XServe (that would be silly, and the place would get firebombed)

Oct 20, 05:51 PM
Whoa dude. Good for you, but you are playing a *very, very* dangerous game leveraging that much. You don't know what could happen in the stock market. It might not have anything to do with Apple - it could be another terrorist attack in the U.S., or some other world-shaking event overseas (e.g. coup in Russia, revolts in China).
Don't do it, man. You're already making money on Apple stock - don't get greedy. Let me give you a cautionary tale: in 2000 my stock portfolio went from $100,000 to $30,000 in a matter of days. Not because the market went down by 70%, but rather because I was buying heavily on margin and the market went down by 20 or 30% or more in a few days (more in the tech stocks I owned). And I did *not* own any dot-bomb stocks. I invested in solid tech companies that are still doing well today, like BEA and IBM. The drop in stock price had *nothing* to do with the fundamental strength of the company or even their recent performance. It was just a market-wide overreaction. Give it some serious thought, man...
P.S. Since then, I've basically only invested in market-indexed funds (mostly S&P 500 but also some international funds since countries like India and China are growing faster than U.S.). I figure if I'm gonna get rich it's going to be based on what's happening in my career/professional life, not based on any investments. I just don't need the grief of seein my hard-earned cash flushed down the drain because of events I have no control over.
Yes I know it is risky. But my Margin Equity is 53% and I can not see it going down any time soon.
Don't do it, man. You're already making money on Apple stock - don't get greedy. Let me give you a cautionary tale: in 2000 my stock portfolio went from $100,000 to $30,000 in a matter of days. Not because the market went down by 70%, but rather because I was buying heavily on margin and the market went down by 20 or 30% or more in a few days (more in the tech stocks I owned). And I did *not* own any dot-bomb stocks. I invested in solid tech companies that are still doing well today, like BEA and IBM. The drop in stock price had *nothing* to do with the fundamental strength of the company or even their recent performance. It was just a market-wide overreaction. Give it some serious thought, man...
P.S. Since then, I've basically only invested in market-indexed funds (mostly S&P 500 but also some international funds since countries like India and China are growing faster than U.S.). I figure if I'm gonna get rich it's going to be based on what's happening in my career/professional life, not based on any investments. I just don't need the grief of seein my hard-earned cash flushed down the drain because of events I have no control over.
Yes I know it is risky. But my Margin Equity is 53% and I can not see it going down any time soon.

Sep 28, 12:52 PM
It looks so long and narrow...

Mar 17, 11:02 AM
Were this true, you would realize that there are fifty states each with their own crimes and with unique elements of those crimes. It would be difficult to make a blanket statement that OP committed "retail theft."
But what do I know - I'm only the President of the United States. :rolleyes:
Retail theft is on the books everywhere and rooted in old common law. The States only vary on degrees (ie classes of misdemeanors).
But what do I know - I'm only the President of the United States. :rolleyes:
Retail theft is on the books everywhere and rooted in old common law. The States only vary on degrees (ie classes of misdemeanors).

Adidas Addict
Apr 25, 01:36 PM
I don't understand people who think the next iPhone should be called 4S (and some think 4GS, wth?)
I think the reason why Apple called the current generation iPhone 4 because it's the 4th iPhone. Just because they tacked on an 'S' at the end of 3G doesn't mean the next should be 4S.
And even if they DID call it the 4S, the iPhone after that would be iPhone 6, not 5...
Don't you agree?
If it keeps the same design/form factor it will be named the 4*/4** if it's a totally new design it will be iPhone 5.
I think the reason why Apple called the current generation iPhone 4 because it's the 4th iPhone. Just because they tacked on an 'S' at the end of 3G doesn't mean the next should be 4S.
And even if they DID call it the 4S, the iPhone after that would be iPhone 6, not 5...
Don't you agree?
If it keeps the same design/form factor it will be named the 4*/4** if it's a totally new design it will be iPhone 5.

Mar 17, 11:48 AM
Way to rep LSU! TOPS money well spent.

May 3, 04:03 PM
I'd still argue that communism isn't really open because it's a top down government, but in theory it is more open than it is in reality.
In Texas, people are so ignorant about different forms of government, I forget that other people are more educated.
I was referring to things that work in theory and not in practice. Now that you have me going about it though, communism is, in theory, open and in practice, not open.
In Texas, people are so ignorant about different forms of government, I forget that other people are more educated.
I was referring to things that work in theory and not in practice. Now that you have me going about it though, communism is, in theory, open and in practice, not open.

May 4, 02:37 PM
Guns are within my scope of practice (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rchoi/detail?entry_id=88328)
Should pediatricians be punished for asking about guns in the home?
Far be it for me, a Bay Area pediatrician, to tell Floridians about how to keep their kids safe. But having spent half of my life in the south (and I don't mean LA), perhaps I am only partially carpetbagging.
Florida's Governor Scott is on the verge of signing into law a bill that would penalize doctors for asking about guns in the home. The original bill shockingly included a $5 million fine and a five year prison sentence if a doctor asked about a patient's gun ownership, entered gun ownership information into a medical record, or refused to care for patients who declined to answer related questions. An unsatisfying compromise amendment between the NRA and the Florida chapter of the AMA limited the penalty to the possible revocation of a medical license and would allow questions about gun ownership and entry of that information into the medical record only if "medically necessary".
Similar legislation is making its way through the Alabama legislature.
Particularly bewildering to me were claims made by state legislators that gun safety was outside the scope of a pediatrician's practice. According to Marion Hammer, a past president of the NRA, "Families take their kids to pediatricians for medical care, not to talk about guns."
Couple this with the fact that the NRA has prevented any studies on guns and their impact on American society and I think we can all rest assured that we're heading towards a society ruled by the American Taliban. Heavy sarcasm intended.
If guns are so important to society, why is it taboo to have an adult conversation about their impact on that society?
Should pediatricians be punished for asking about guns in the home?
Far be it for me, a Bay Area pediatrician, to tell Floridians about how to keep their kids safe. But having spent half of my life in the south (and I don't mean LA), perhaps I am only partially carpetbagging.
Florida's Governor Scott is on the verge of signing into law a bill that would penalize doctors for asking about guns in the home. The original bill shockingly included a $5 million fine and a five year prison sentence if a doctor asked about a patient's gun ownership, entered gun ownership information into a medical record, or refused to care for patients who declined to answer related questions. An unsatisfying compromise amendment between the NRA and the Florida chapter of the AMA limited the penalty to the possible revocation of a medical license and would allow questions about gun ownership and entry of that information into the medical record only if "medically necessary".
Similar legislation is making its way through the Alabama legislature.
Particularly bewildering to me were claims made by state legislators that gun safety was outside the scope of a pediatrician's practice. According to Marion Hammer, a past president of the NRA, "Families take their kids to pediatricians for medical care, not to talk about guns."
Couple this with the fact that the NRA has prevented any studies on guns and their impact on American society and I think we can all rest assured that we're heading towards a society ruled by the American Taliban. Heavy sarcasm intended.
If guns are so important to society, why is it taboo to have an adult conversation about their impact on that society?

Apr 25, 04:24 PM
Dear McDonalds: Boom. You just lost a whole lot of customers.
Assuming McDonalds deal with it appropriately and fire the workers in question that is a bit of an over-reaction.
Assuming McDonalds deal with it appropriately and fire the workers in question that is a bit of an over-reaction.

Jan 12, 02:28 AM
who are you kidding? what part of iphone is not previously existed in technology? yay it has a nice UI, like all other apple products, but the hardware?
remind me, again, what's revolutionary about iPhone?
I would love to see you come up with something revolutionary.
The hardware, what do you want them to do? Come out with a floating phone? They do have to make something that is relatively affordable. They can't possibly make a platinum apple phone with surround sound speakers floating around it and tag it at $20,000. You would complain anyway.
remind me, again, what's revolutionary about iPhone?
I would love to see you come up with something revolutionary.
The hardware, what do you want them to do? Come out with a floating phone? They do have to make something that is relatively affordable. They can't possibly make a platinum apple phone with surround sound speakers floating around it and tag it at $20,000. You would complain anyway.

May 3, 10:48 PM
Interesting how none of the scenes in the ad uses a white iPad.
Cool story bro!
Cool story bro!

Oct 19, 10:36 AM
Well my 1300 shares will become 2600 in less than an year.:D Apple will keep going up and up as long the economy does not tank.:)

Oct 17, 09:17 AM
the ps3 is sony's method to push the blu-ray format.
but the ps3 is delayed since march 2007 in europe and the number of units at launch is not impressive. so blu-ray won't be seen in many europe's living rooms any time soon i think.
so perhaps this could be one hint that hd-dvd could win after all.
edit: i think it's sad because i think blu-ray is the superior format. but look at sony. the hole blu-ray, ps3 and the notebook-akku thing is a whole disaster.
blu-ray is better, theoretically. but it still seem to be beta more or less like everything sony is putting on the market these days.
but the ps3 is delayed since march 2007 in europe and the number of units at launch is not impressive. so blu-ray won't be seen in many europe's living rooms any time soon i think.
so perhaps this could be one hint that hd-dvd could win after all.
edit: i think it's sad because i think blu-ray is the superior format. but look at sony. the hole blu-ray, ps3 and the notebook-akku thing is a whole disaster.
blu-ray is better, theoretically. but it still seem to be beta more or less like everything sony is putting on the market these days.
Aug 8, 06:39 PM
The apple store at Southpoint (Durham, NC) has no new hardware yet:( . Worse, out of the four (maybe five - might have missed one) 23'' displays two are obviously pink. I even pointed that to one of their geniuses about a month ago. She had responded, "yeah, I see that", but the same pink displays are still there to see... Is that ignorance or arrogance, I wonder.
Hopefully, they will soon be replaced with defect-free ones from the new iteration.
Hopefully, they will soon be replaced with defect-free ones from the new iteration.
Mar 7, 04:42 AM
Also, because of the tight competition, companies are afraid to take risks. Remember when the USB por had just been introduced? This was a real chicken and egg situation for PC makers. No PC maker wants to be the first to switch to all USB ports because (a) it will cost more money to put the new ports into the board, and (b) they know it will annoy customers who will have to buy all peripherals. Customers will simply buy the competing brand because it's cheaper. Now, someone eventually sells a PC with both USB and PS/2 ports so you can slowly start the upgrade trend, but it's slow for all the above reasons.
Same for the floppy drive: nobody wants to be the first to ship without one. It would be seen as being "too different" and cause lost sales to the competition.
Preserving backwards compatibility has nothing to do with taking risks. It's just plain nice and doesn't hurt forward compatibility. Motherboards, to this day, still have PS/2 ports. Does it hurt anybody ? No. But that guy with his keyboard from 1995 he just loves and takes care of is pretty happy.
Same with the floppy drive. Apple removed it from the iMac because it would "hurt" the design. PCs didn't remove it because frankly, what are you going to do with those 3 1/2" holes in the case anyhow ? And while manufacturers did finally stop shipping them, guess what is on motherboards these days ? FDD connector headers. Yep, still there and ready to read all those little Sony invented disks, or even those big ass 5 1/4" really floppies. Does it hurt anyone ? No, it's a 0.01$ part.
Windows 98 did more for USB adoption than the limited run Apple had with its original iMac. Common sense removed floppy drives a lot more than Apple forced it with the iMac, and a lot later too.
Some of you need to open up your boundaries a little beyond what Apple does.
Same for the floppy drive: nobody wants to be the first to ship without one. It would be seen as being "too different" and cause lost sales to the competition.
Preserving backwards compatibility has nothing to do with taking risks. It's just plain nice and doesn't hurt forward compatibility. Motherboards, to this day, still have PS/2 ports. Does it hurt anybody ? No. But that guy with his keyboard from 1995 he just loves and takes care of is pretty happy.
Same with the floppy drive. Apple removed it from the iMac because it would "hurt" the design. PCs didn't remove it because frankly, what are you going to do with those 3 1/2" holes in the case anyhow ? And while manufacturers did finally stop shipping them, guess what is on motherboards these days ? FDD connector headers. Yep, still there and ready to read all those little Sony invented disks, or even those big ass 5 1/4" really floppies. Does it hurt anyone ? No, it's a 0.01$ part.
Windows 98 did more for USB adoption than the limited run Apple had with its original iMac. Common sense removed floppy drives a lot more than Apple forced it with the iMac, and a lot later too.
Some of you need to open up your boundaries a little beyond what Apple does.
Sep 12, 12:30 AM
The TV Shows section started out with 5 shows (zero here) and now look at it, there are hundreds of TV Shows for download on iTunes (zero here).
It just takes a few to get it going and once some momentum is established it just keeps picking up speed.
It just takes a few to get it going and once some momentum is established it just keeps picking up speed.
Jul 22, 09:42 AM
Apple is right now the most disgusting company in the business.
you are a hoot
you are a hoot
Apr 23, 05:34 PM
Microsoft is planning to release an App Store for Windows.
Oh yay! Another app-store rip off years after the OSX one has debuted.
Oh yay! Another app-store rip off years after the OSX one has debuted.
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